Tuesday, May 17, 2011


1-The short chinese woman stared her old lottery ticket.
2-The spanish young boy kicked the nice soccer ball.
3-The big white man heard a very loud noise.
4-The three famous movie stars made the unexpected bad news again.
5-She had ordered the good spanish food.
6-The disable pedestrian witnessed the most horrible accident.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


                                                          Children and Parents
            Parents always care for their children.  They want their kids to grow and be well educated.  But growing too fast is not good for a child since they will know more than what they supposed to or they will experience things that they don’t want to.  The education can be reach only with the support of the parents and not if the children are supporting and caring for mom or dad.  About fourteen years ago when I was a kid, my mother used to ask me to translate for her because she didn’t speak English back then. However, there are several negative effects when children take care of their parents.  I was only twelve and I was already looking after my mom who also brought me many difficulties during my childhood regarding education and my mind. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

One day In a Restaurant

I was so pleasure at first while my wife and I were having dinner at ABC Restaurant which is located in the city.  Unfortunately, I felt something wrong with the waiter’s service, but my mind intended to focus more on our date until encountering the grubby fly in my French onion soup. I exploded, yelling the waiter “Hey, there is a fly in my soup.” Then, I beckoned him, “Are you responsible for this?” I knew the waiter tried himself with a good countenance, but I couldn’t accept the disaster. “Honey, calm down, please,” My wife stopped me shouting, “Everybody is looking at us.” Nevertheless, I couldn’t finish blaming the waiter, almost out of control.  “You’d better be responsible for this grotty scene!” I continued, “Even if you really want to pay for everything, I will never be patient with this.” Suddenly, I was shocked. “Hey, gentleman, this is not my fault!” the waiter blew up, “I’m done with this job, I’m out of here!” He threw down his stained apron on the floor, and left out of the room with the last word, “Hey, listen up, it is not a fly, just a lump of over grilled onions.” Oh, my god. I felt somehow insecure. My heart beat so much faster than I ever had in my life. I began to seek for the fly that I had found, but it was not the fly. “You’re surely enough to make me embarrassed, I’m leaving, too,” my wife muttered at me, “I’m not really sure that I’m just leaving here, or you.” Since the miserable calamity, I have never eaten “Any French onion soup”, not even other soup. Luckily, my wife has gotten back to me.   However, she has never been letting me eat out anymore.

Monday, April 4, 2011

One Day In A Restaurant

I was eating in a restaurant with my wife when I shouted because there was a fly on my soup. Later on, I called the waiter and asked him if he was responsible for that. Then my wife tried to calm me down and told me to stop since everybody was looking at us. Furthemore, the waiter responded that was not his fault, he said he was done with that job and he decided to leave. As a result of my behavior, my wife stood up and told me she had enought and that I was making her feeling embarrass, so she left also.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hi, my name is Jonathan as you already know.  I was borned in Ecuador ( South America ) and raised in The Bronx.  I am a busy man, I do not recommend my life to nobody because is really tough, having a full time job and being a full time student is so complicated that I only get to sleep 5 to 6 hours a day but hey, if you would like to be someone in life, this is what you have to do, sacrifice yourself to become that person.